I’m BAaaaack… AGAIN!

Yes, it’s been a long Long LOOooong hiatus between posts. There was a whole lot going in since that last post. A lot of it had to do with health issues that my wife and I were confronted with a few time in the last three years. I had triple bypass surgery, which in and of itself went well, but I had wound healing issues at the blood vessel harvesting area in my left leg. So there were bunches of extra clinic visits.

That all occurred during the peak of CoVid, which complicated logistics. But I’m pretty much whole again, but not nearly as young as I thought I was three years ago. We lost our wonderful dog Lucy just before the bypass surgery and the house was pretty lonely for a while until we adopted our now three year old wonder dog Roxie. She keeps the house alive and fun to live in.

Linda, the love of my life, was scheduled about a year and a half ago to have hip surgery. The docs decided she needed some heart issues fixed before the hip surgery. The initial heart surgery went reasonably well, a few minor hiccups, but she was in physical rehab within a week after the initial heart repair. Unfortunately, about 7 weeks later, during one of the worst snow storms we have experienced in years, she collapsed at home. After rushing her to the emergency room here in our small town she was rushed by ambulance 125 miles in the show storm to our nearest major surgery center. She had a very challenging five days until the docs identified the her problem, and after some major medication changes and the implant of a pacemaker/defibrillator, things have come back to normal… or at least the new normal… which thankfully is almost as normal as a normal normal for both of us healthwise and life wise.

After these major life events I pared down some of my community volunteer work and have gotten back to the keyboard and started stoking the fiction writing furnace again. If you check the bibliography you’ll see a few new publications have made it to press and a couple are pending. The children’s book I’ve been working on with my dear artist buddy Jay Gale had to get parked a few times to handle all the other life juggling we were coping with… but we again are hoping to have “Santa’s Computer Christmas” available in time for Christmas 2024.

Our local community college initiated an annual writer’s conference last summer which also helped re-energize my keyboard muscles and brain batteries, which helped get the new material due out this year germinated… the seeds were “planted” for those projects a good while back, but went into stasis with all the afore-mentioned challenges…Oh, and did I mention I had couple landscaping and building projects thrown into the mix as well. I think I’ve heard it said by folks wiser than me that “Life Happens.” Yes, it surely does.

If I haven’t lost your fan support forever, please give me a chance to redeem myself. I promise good stuff is on the table and hopefully headed your way more regularly in the months ahead. The pics below are covers of anthlogies I have stories in. Check out the bibliography list for the Full Monty! I’ll write another post soon to give you some more info about them. Happy 2024! In the mean time have fun, and be kind to others… boy did I learn these past three years how important kindness and fun (regardless of how small) is to life in general. 

Check out the reading list! Cheers, Bob.

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